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Equipment Catalog

Reservation restrictions:

  • Reservations should be made at least 3 days in advance and may be made up to one month in advance.
  • Same-day or next-day appointments are subject to staff, equipment, and material availability. Please call to confirm availability.
  • No more than 2 people at a station during an appointment.
  • Only one machine may be booked per appointment.

Reservation procedure:

  1. Check availability of the equipment you want to reserve.
  2. Select the date and time of your request. (If you do not see availability, the Lab is either closed or the request is outside the reservation limits described above.)
  3. Add to cart and check-out.
  4. Complete the Booking Form and submit.
  5. Staff will send an email to confirm or deny the request.

If you have any questions about equipment or reserving time, please call us at 859-342-2665.

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding